John Deere 9600, Combine

9600 Combine
-Runs & drives ok -5157 Engine hours -3833 Separator hours -Cab is decent; seat ok, radio. -tool box in cab ladder -variable speed feeder house with reverser, no side shields -2 speed cylinder -800/65R32 BKT AGRI MAX TERIS tubeless (almost new) -30.5Lx32 Firestone S.A.T. 23 deg. 12 ply tubeless -Tin work is fair, faded some & some rust. -Clean grain elevator boot is patched. -adjustable rear axle -2) 14.9x24 Firestone Super All Traction II 8 ply tubeless tires on 8 bolt rims -Return elevator is patched. -small grain chaffer -Some straw walkers have sides reinforced, but usable. -straw chopper with wide tail spreader -Back of tail hood is dented.
Stock # EQ-09154
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Stock #EQ-09154
Serial #H09600X656783
MakeJohn Deere
Description9600 Combine
StatusSalvage Equipment
Notes-Runs & drives ok -5157 Engine hours -3833 Separator hours -Cab is decent; seat ok, radio. -tool box in cab ladder -variable speed feeder house with reverser, no side shields -2 speed cylinder -800/65R32 BKT AGRI MAX TERIS tubeless (almost new) -30.5Lx32 Firestone S.A.T. 23 deg. 12 ply tubeless -Tin work is fair, faded some & some rust. -Clean grain elevator boot is patched. -adjustable rear axle -2) 14.9x24 Firestone Super All Traction II 8 ply tubeless tires on 8 bolt rims -Return elevator is patched. -small grain chaffer -Some straw walkers have sides reinforced, but usable. -straw chopper with wide tail spreader -Back of tail hood is dented.